Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blaker’s Mill

Blaker Mill is located in central West Virginia near Weston at N39° 5.8080' and W80° 28.0003'. Blaker's mill was originally located in another location about 150 miles south and was moved to the Jackson Mill site piece by piece. The Jackson Mill was determined that it was impossible to make it into an operating mill. Therefore it was decided to move another mill to the site so that visitors could see an old water mill in operation. The source of power is the water in the mill pond. The mill ponds water is pumped from the West Fork River near the mill (the original power source for the Jackson Mill) and flows back into the stream after it turns the waterwheel. The mill is a very good historically correct mill as museum mills go. The mill is in very good condition. The mill site is owned by West Virginia University. There are other historical buildings at the site as well as the old Jackson Mill; this was one of the places that Civil War General Stonewall Jackson lived as a youth.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Unique Mill

Unique Mill is located in Friendsville, MD, which is in far western Maryland. The mill has been closed for a number of years and situated on the Maple St. (MD 42) within Friendsville. This mill was powered by electricity that was generated off a dam in a nearby stream (Youghioghemy River). The story that I was told is that this was one of the first electric mills in the area. The mill also sold electricity to the town. Most of the equipment was manufactured by the Unique mill company or least the equipment is marked with this name. Therefore, I am not sure about the name of the mill since it and the equipment are the same, so the individual that told me the name of the mill may have been mistaken.

Inside the mill most of the equipment is still in the building, including roller mills, sifters, air cleaners and baggers.

On the top of the mill is BP gas station sign.

The mill is closed to the public.