Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Easton Roller Mill

Easton Roller Mill is located in eastern West Virginia near Morgantown at N39° 39.0177' and W79° 54.7388'. It is a museum mill and owned by the Monongalia Historical Society (1980). The mill was built in 1864 by Henry Mack from Philadelphia for Henry Koontz.

The roller mills were installed between 1894 and 1910 they are still within the mill. The mill is constructed of an oak frame; it is two and one-half stories in height. (Monongalia Historical Society)

The mill is in very good condition, it is powered by a steam engine located in the basement of the building, and a boiler is located adjacent to the building. The engine still functions and the mill can grind grain, not all pieces of equipment are still functional.

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